Use italian-cypress-trees for the verticle element in a tuscany style landscape design. This tree contrasts well against the rough sawn beams and decorative stone work of a home made of natural materials from the surrounding land, and look best when they are younger and are kept under 7 0r 8 foot tall. Use these trees to line a driveway or mark the walkway or entry to your home, or in groups of three to create a center piece.
Keeping them under control is something you will want to consider when you think about landscape maintenance. Two times a year they will need to be trimmed slightly to keep them compact. After a few seasons they will need to be topped, and then after that continual topping will be part of your maintenance routine.
Monrovia has genetically altered the tree and created a dwarf of it. They call it Tiny Tower Italian Cypress. This works well if you don't want to worry about the trees eventually getting 40 feet tall. You won't have to do so much pruning on a regular basis.
I have used this variety in some situations. The 15 gallon size Tiny Tower is about 38" tall and it does look nice and uniform, but it was hard to convince the homeowner to fork out the extra dough up front for such a small specimine.
Every rose has it's thorn though. The cost of these is sky high. about $125 dollars for a 15 gallon specimen. Compare that to the regular price of 29.99 for a 15 gallon. But, I think you can easily save that additional money in landscape maintenance costs.